School life

School life
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Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun
940K 55 868

Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun

I Picked Up An Attribute
563K 28 1,176

I Picked Up An Attribute

My Daughter is the Final Boss
229K 48 587

My Daughter is the Final Boss

One Day, Suddenly, Seoul Is
113K 55 209

One Day, Suddenly, Seoul Is

God Tribe
90K 150 226

God Tribe

I’m The Great Immortal
1209K 53 813

I’m The Great Immortal

The Lone Necromancer
365K 166 1,190

The Lone Necromancer

Wind Breaker (Japan)
54K 13 101

Wind Breaker (Japan)

To Not Die
367K 44 723

To Not Die

My Cuteness Isn't Understood By Kuroiwa Medaka
183K 22 238

My Cuteness Isn't Understood By Kuroiwa Medaka

Logout shita no wa VRMMO janaku Honmono no Isekai deshita – Genjitsu ni Modotte mo Status ga Kowareteiru Ken
13K 14 133

Logout shita no wa VRMMO janaku Honmono no Isekai deshita – Genjitsu ni Modotte mo Status ga Kowareteiru Ken

Life of a Magic Academy Mage
267K 65 755

Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chaotic Sword God (Remake)
231K 12 410

Chaotic Sword God (Remake)

The Legendary Mechanic
662K 39 802

The Legendary Mechanic

Please Leave Me Alone (For Some Reason, She Wants to Change a Lone Wolf's Helpless High School Life.)
34K 8 143

Please Leave Me Alone (For Some Reason, She Wants to Change a Lone Wolf's Helpless High School Life.)

Ao Ashi
1672K 54 903

Ao Ashi

The Greatest in the World
34K 8 64

The Greatest in the World

Red Blue
27K 4 52

Red Blue

Spare Me, Great Lord!
1832K 76 1,319

Spare Me, Great Lord!

The Age of the Barbarous
4,489 26 18

The Age of the Barbarous

The right-eyed world
668 0 4

The right-eyed world

Second Break
9,773 3 6

Second Break

I Was Transferred To Another World And Became A Teacher, But I'm Feared As A Witch: Aoi-sensei's Academy Struggle Log
6,315 2 51

I Was Transferred To Another World And Became A Teacher, But I'm Feared As A Witch: Aoi-sensei's Academy Struggle Log

Warring States
9,707 4 10

Warring States