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Manga Romance

Review Manga

Royal Shop Of Young Lady
83K 5 161

Royal Shop Of Young Lady

Ao Ashi
1670K 54 903

Ao Ashi

Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim
363K 54 612

Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim

Strong Representative
20K 4 34

Strong Representative

27K 6 57


The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious
400K 5 594

The People On Earth Are Too Ferocious

Debuff Master
15K 1 58

Debuff Master

The World’s Fastest Level up!
157K 29 488

The World’s Fastest Level up!

The Genius Actor’s Aura
49K 14 258

The Genius Actor’s Aura

My Level's the Best
44K 4 88

My Level's the Best

Famous buckwheat soba in another world
7,991 7 66

Famous buckwheat soba in another world

Ochikobore Kenshi, Tsuihousareta no de Majutsushi ni Tenkou suru – Kenshi no Toki wa Gomi Skill datta “Zettai Kioku” wa Majutsushi ni Totte wa Kami Skill deshita
10K 12 76

Ochikobore Kenshi, Tsuihousareta no de Majutsushi ni Tenkou suru – Kenshi no Toki wa Gomi Skill datta “Zettai Kioku” wa Majutsushi ni Totte wa Kami Skill deshita

Genkai Koe No Tenpu wa, Tensei-sha ni Shika Atsukaenai - Overlimit Skill Holders
70K 13 165

Genkai Koe No Tenpu wa, Tensei-sha ni Shika Atsukaenai - Overlimit Skill Holders

I became a top actor just by reading books
60K 3 151

I became a top actor just by reading books

The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom
25K 13 104

The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom

Drawing: Saikyou Mangaka wa Oekaki Skill de Isekai Musou Suru
498K 67 917

Drawing: Saikyou Mangaka wa Oekaki Skill de Isekai Musou Suru

Chouetsu-sha To Natta Ossan wa My Pace ni Isekai wo Sansaku Suru
28K 6 81

Chouetsu-sha To Natta Ossan wa My Pace ni Isekai wo Sansaku Suru

Player Who Can’t Level Up
483K 225 1,388

Player Who Can’t Level Up

Become the Lord of Cthulhu
79K 26 134

Become the Lord of Cthulhu

The Greatest in the World
31K 8 63

The Greatest in the World

SSS-Class Gacha Hunter
244K 34 612

SSS-Class Gacha Hunter

The Prosecutor Doesn’t Know The Law
3,503 0 16

The Prosecutor Doesn’t Know The Law

Limit Breaker
281K 43 717

Limit Breaker

The Eternal Supreme
928K 80 1,984

The Eternal Supreme

A Transmigrated Warden's Battle for Redemption
36K 7 87

A Transmigrated Warden's Battle for Redemption

What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become an Immortal?
256K 44 465

What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become an Immortal?

Red Blue
26K 4 51

Red Blue

I’m Really Not A Supervillain
316K 19 613

I’m Really Not A Supervillain

Super Gene
1172K 93 1,671

Super Gene

Castle 2: Pinnacle
73K 48 221

Castle 2: Pinnacle

I Rely On Killing Monsters To Extend My Longevity
51K 20 192

I Rely On Killing Monsters To Extend My Longevity

Zero Game
66K 8 126

Zero Game

Reborn As A Big Mouth Flower
34K 18 148

Reborn As A Big Mouth Flower

Overpowered Healer
175K 20 553

Overpowered Healer

Assassin’s Creed
33K 10 166

Assassin’s Creed

Solo Spell Caster
305K 12 492

Solo Spell Caster