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Manga Romance

Review Manga

Martial Peak
5107K 142 2,590

Martial Peak

Genkai Level 1 kara no Nariagari: Saijaku Level no Ore ga Isekai Saikyou ni Naru made
217K 13 501

Genkai Level 1 kara no Nariagari: Saijaku Level no Ore ga Isekai Saikyou ni Naru made

Nimotsu Mochi no Nousuji Musou
26K 13 224

Nimotsu Mochi no Nousuji Musou

The Player Hides His Past
327K 116 1,354

The Player Hides His Past

Chronicles Of The Jungle Sovereign
13K 12 74

Chronicles Of The Jungle Sovereign

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
119K 7 219

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic

Peerless Battle Spirit
1538K 44 1,321

Peerless Battle Spirit

Destiny Unchain Online
47K 13 145

Destiny Unchain Online

Villain: My Brother Is The Chosen One
212K 17 502

Villain: My Brother Is The Chosen One

I became the youngest prince in the novel
241K 35 776

I became the youngest prince in the novel

The Symbiotic Relationship Between a Panther and a Rabbit
95K 19 108

The Symbiotic Relationship Between a Panther and a Rabbit

Little Tyrant Doesn't Want to Meet with a Bad End
124K 18 215

Little Tyrant Doesn't Want to Meet with a Bad End

Apotheosis (Reuploaded)
1216K 14 816

Apotheosis (Reuploaded)

The Legendary Mechanic
655K 39 800

The Legendary Mechanic

Reborn As A Monster
297K 17 636

Reborn As A Monster

Against The Gods (Reuploaded)
89K 6 106

Against The Gods (Reuploaded)

I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies
363K 17 524

I Can Have Infinite Epiphanies

Since The Red Moon Appeared
146K 16 385

Since The Red Moon Appeared

I randomly have a new career every week
1980K 78 2,042

I randomly have a new career every week

The Time of Rebirth
808K 80 877

The Time of Rebirth

Be the Actor
259K 65 697

Be the Actor

I have 90 billion licking gold
955K 167 1,870

I have 90 billion licking gold

I'm An Evil God
852K 47 1,227

I'm An Evil God

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree
1479K 508 3,071

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Becoming A Legendary Ace Employee
75K 11 238

Becoming A Legendary Ace Employee

I Determine My Own Destiny
20K 4 51

I Determine My Own Destiny

Goblin’s Night
126K 34 575

Goblin’s Night

Starting as the Black Dragon BOSS
41K 22 307

Starting as the Black Dragon BOSS

What Do You Do If the Heroine Escapes From Your Novel
194K 21 440

What Do You Do If the Heroine Escapes From Your Novel

Surviving as an Illegitimate Princess
36K 8 55

Surviving as an Illegitimate Princess

The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom
23K 12 101

The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom

Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord
377K 25 913

Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord

Bowblade: (The Descendants of Bowblade)
142K 16 251

Bowblade: (The Descendants of Bowblade)

My Level's the Best
38K 4 89

My Level's the Best

It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency
179K 66 331

It All Starts With Trillions Of Nether Currency

I Got Lucky And Pulled A 10th Rank Summon
93K 16 374

I Got Lucky And Pulled A 10th Rank Summon