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Review Manga

Yuan Zun
1487K 31 1,220

Yuan Zun

I Tamed My Ex-Husband's Mad Dog
59K 14 126

I Tamed My Ex-Husband's Mad Dog

Golden Print
115K 13 361

Golden Print

Solo Max-Level Newbie
752K 224 2,073

Solo Max-Level Newbie

The Star of a Supreme Ruler
152K 17 288

The Star of a Supreme Ruler

Since The Red Moon Appeared
145K 16 384

Since The Red Moon Appeared

Real Man
281K 31 363

Real Man

Return of the Mad Demon
282K 132 794

Return of the Mad Demon

Banished Disciple's Counterattack
577K 12 586

Banished Disciple's Counterattack

Chaotic Sword God (Remake)
227K 12 354

Chaotic Sword God (Remake)

World’s Greatest Senior Disciple
257K 52 567

World’s Greatest Senior Disciple

The Story of a Low-Rank Soldier Becoming a Monarch
469K 95 1,011

The Story of a Low-Rank Soldier Becoming a Monarch

Endless devourer
412K 118 624

Endless devourer

The Bully In-Charge
587K 158 1,634

The Bully In-Charge

Martial inverse
911K 49 1,234

Martial inverse

Sorry, my skills are automatically maxed out!
52K 13 418

Sorry, my skills are automatically maxed out!

The Ten Great Emperors At The Beginning Are All My Apprentices
669K 28 1,134

The Ten Great Emperors At The Beginning Are All My Apprentices

100,000 Levels of Body Refining : All the dogs I raise are the Emperor
568K 33 1,196

100,000 Levels of Body Refining : All the dogs I raise are the Emperor

What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become an Immortal?
253K 44 461

What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become an Immortal?

Martial Streamer
59K 6 197

Martial Streamer

My Second Life is a Healing Life?
22K 20 147

My Second Life is a Healing Life?

Gangho Apocalypse
43K 12 107

Gangho Apocalypse

My Level's the Best
35K 3 86

My Level's the Best

Rise From The Rubble
664K 28 1,260

Rise From The Rubble

I Used to be a Boss
240K 53 865

I Used to be a Boss

242K 43 796


Hellmode ~Gamer Who Likes to Speedrun Becomes Peerless in a Parallel World with Obsolete Setting~
186K 10 585

Hellmode ~Gamer Who Likes to Speedrun Becomes Peerless in a Parallel World with Obsolete Setting~

The Strongest Magical Swordsman Ever Reborn as an F-Rank Adventurer.
455K 124 718

The Strongest Magical Swordsman Ever Reborn as an F-Rank Adventurer.

Solo Strike: A Hundred Million Damage
8,229 21 90

Solo Strike: A Hundred Million Damage

Super Gene
1166K 93 1,669

Super Gene

I’m Really Not A Supervillain
314K 19 609

I’m Really Not A Supervillain

Becoming the Swordmaster Rank Young Lord of the Sichuan Tang Family
66K 38 355

Becoming the Swordmaster Rank Young Lord of the Sichuan Tang Family

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Witch‘s Salvation
5,838 2 26

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Witch‘s Salvation

The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom
22K 12 97

The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom

142K 43 321


Old Newbie Kim ChunShik
27K 7 45

Old Newbie Kim ChunShik